For my Blurb book I would like to take macro photographs of musical instruments and related devices. Between my friends and I, I have access to a plethora of musical instruments and devices including guitars, basses, ukeleles, amps, synths, etc. One friend in particular owns dozens of instruments and is even close to finishing a isolated recording booth within his garage. I have not yet decided if I will photograph the instruments being played or if I will carefully lay them out and focus on just the instrument itself. Realistically, I will end up doing a mix of both in order to both fill the book full of photos and to retain the interest of the viewer through variation. The artists that have inspired me include macro photographers, Lester Lefkowitz and John Shaw, as well as famed sculptor Louise Nevelson. I enjoy Lefkowitz’s photography because he gets so close to common, recognizable objects that they become unrecognizable and create a whole different viewing experience and meaning. John Shaw is very similar, but is better (in my opinion) at creating more interesting shapes by cropping his image through framing. Nevelson’s sculptures look very much like the inside of a acoustic instrument, but blown up much larger. At second glance, you see objects within her pieces, but at face value they appear to be just hollow reliefs that could be mistaken for simply structuring. It would be interesting to play music into Nevelson’s sculptures and see if they carry some sort of resonance or amplification due to their shapes.